
Welcome to Brighter Blogging!

You’ll find regular posts here (normally Tuesdays and Fridays) to help you go forward with your own blogging journey.

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Why “Brighter Blogging”?

All the other names I thought of were taken. 😉

Seriously, though, I love “Brighter Blogging”. It helps encapsulate my three-fold mission here:

  • To shine a light on what matters and what works (so you can safely ignore everything else).
  • To share smarter ways of blogging — at every level.
  • To promote good, ethical blogging that helps you and your readers.

About Ali

I’m Ali Luke and I’ve been blogging for eleven years now.

Along the way, I’ve had several blogs: a couple didn’t last long, but my blog Aliventures (which is all about the craft, art and business of writing) has been going in one form or another since 2009.

I wrote for WPBeginner during 2020 and you’ll find me popping up on lots of other large blogs on blogging/writing related topics, too. The sites I’ve written for include ProBlogger, Copyblogger, Social Media Examiner, Smart Blogger, Daily Blog Tips, and Joe Wills.

I’m also a freelance blogger for lots of different sites – most of those as a ghostwriter. My client list is pretty full right now, but if you’re interested in hiring me, drop me a line (ali@brighterblogging.com) and we’ll see if we can work something out. 🙂

I live in Leeds in the UK with my husband and our two kids, aged eleven and nine.